Thursday, May 25, 2006

Having post-college angst

What is my purpose in life? It's like my mind is playing out Avenue Q...except now I've got to accept the fact that maybe I won't ever find my purpose and to enjoy the things that happen "for now."

I mean, we all know what life entails:

xj: Work hard, go to a nice school, meet and spend time with good people, work harder, get money, meet more ppl, spend money on them, have fun, keep working hard, have kids, spend money on them, make sure they start the cycle well, have some more fun with the money, die happy

But is that it, really? *sigh* I want to, like, save the world, but I don't know how a little person like me can start.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Being lazy...

And watching/spoiling myself silly on X3/Superman Returns clips. I'm such a geek...

X3 looks mostly dumb, except for this one clip, and now that I've seen it I don't think I have to watch the rest of the movie. :P It isn't spoilerish if you know anything about X-men, but it's horrifying in its own right. *hugs poor little boy*

A young angel attempts to cut off his wings

Ratner and Co. could have really made something sadly poetic out of his story, but apparently he doesn't have much screen time so *sniff.* And adult Angel is so cute, in a Brandon Routh kind of way. *huggles them both*

Ribbons undone...

She's a girl
Rising from a shell
Running to spring
It is her time
Watch her run with ribbons undone

She's a rose in a lily's cloak
She can hide her charms
It is her right
There will be time
To chase the sun with ribbons undone

She runs like a fire does
Just picking up daises
Comes in for a landing
A pure flash of lightning
Past alice blue blossoms
You follow her laughter
And then she'll surprise you
Arms filled with lavender

Yes my little pony is growing up fast
She corrects me and says
"You mean, a thoroughbred"
A look in her eyes says the battle's beginning
From school she comes home and cries,
"I don't want to grow up, Mom, at least not tonight."

You're a girl
Rising from a shell
Running through spring
With summer's hand in reach now
It is your time
It is your time
So just run with ribbons undone.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

...look closer

I'm finding it harder and harder not to notice the irony of circumstances around me. And one of them does deal with American Beauty and the person who *ahem* introduced me to it and claims it as his favorite movie. Figures. :P

And on the topic of life and death, lil sis has been basking in it the previous quarter. Apparently she got to interview a warden who executed death-row prisoners and was devastated by this story:

Apparently before execution, an inmate will typically convince himself that he is truly responsible for his sentenced crime, whether he confessed to it or appealed his case or not. This is probably to make peace with God (in whatever shape or form) in the light of death. For one inmate, his last words to the warden (when asked if he had made peace with God) were:

"I've made peace with my God. Have you?"

Weeks after the execution, exonerating evidence came up in favor of this inmate. Warden has been haunted by the inmate's last words ever since.

That's the thing about the death penalty. Sure, there are crimes where people feel that the perpetrator should die, but the problem is that we just don't know if they are really responsible. Sure, being pardoned years into incarceration is time that you can't get back, but at least you're alive.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Right now you are down and out and feeling really crappy
And when I see how sad you are
It sort of makes me...happy!

Sorry, Nicky, human nature-
Nothing I can do!
Making me feel glad that I'm not you.

D'ja ever clap when a waitress falls and drops a tray of glasses?
And ain't it fun to watch figure skaters falling on their asses?
And don'tcha feel all warm and cozy, watching people out in the rain!

People taking pleasure in your pain!

Watching a vegetarian being told she just ate chicken
Or watching a frat boy realize just what he put his dick in!
Being on the elevator when somebody shouts "Hold the door!"
"Fuck you lady, that's what stairs are for!"

Straight-A students getting Bs?
Exes getting STDs!
Waking doormen from their naps!
Watching tourists reading maps!
Football players getting tackled!
CEOs getting shackled!
Watching actors never reach the ending of their Oscar speech!

Mmmmm, Ave Q! Yay dirty Muppets and singing boxes and Bad Idea Bears and gay closeted Republican investment bankers!

And Las Vegas! What I wouldn't give to be a theme hotel designer...

"Hey, what sort of crap could we build with the scads of money that we have?"
"Indoor canal!/Indoor rain!/Fountain shows with pyrotechnics!/Steaming manhole covers!/Giant glass flowers!/A butterfly aviary!/Indoor tiger habitat!/Ginormous chocolate fountain!/Our own brewery!"
"Great idea!"


Thursday, May 04, 2006

I am...DONE!!!

And I don't care if my grades suck, I am done and I have not failed any classes and GO ME!!

For celebration, I've been sleeping and now I'm wasting time watching movie trailers in ITS since nobody's here.

Here are my random opinions:

X-men 3 clip: Slightly humorous. Dialogue still omg baaaaaaaad. And why is Storm still a wuss? *cry* But Jackman still hot. :P

Superman Returns: Better than X-men, but dunno about the whole "still in love with Lois" stuff, cause yeah...never was a big fan of romance in movies. :P CGI also a bit meh, but I guess having people fly will always look weird. But I really really want to hug Brandon, he's so adorable. Dunno if that's good for Supes, but who cares?! *huggles* And lots and lots of love for Kevin Spacey. Wheee!

Pirates of the Caribbean 2:Lots and lots of love for Johnny Depp! Yay Johnny! And yay for kickass Keira Knightley wheee! And also a bit apprehensive about the possibility of a love triangle, but meh. Johnny Depp!