Friday, June 24, 2005


If I see Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes on TV one more time, I'm going to scream. Yes, they're a beautiful couple, and yes, they make great press, but the way this "relationship" has developed and his "You don't understand Scientology" shtick even makes ME gag. As of late I've been changing the channel everytime I see Tom's face on TV. One time I didn't, and was greeted by the sight of Tom signing autographs in a huge crowd of fans, and Katie clinging to his back the entire time. Now, I thought I was clingy, but that borders on frightening. What has he done to her?!

War of the Worlds may be a great movie by all means, but I sure won't be seeing it. I don't intend on wasting my money to see his face for 2+ hours.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Milk and orange juice and ice cream and strawberries from Albertson's. Life is good.

May I add that it's funny that I had to buy milk and orange juice myself? Well okay, nobody really drinks milk around here, but instead of having 100% juice, I always found mixed juice drinks. Upon questioning, my aunt said that regular juice is fattening because of the sugar, and I almost said, "And the stuff you have in the fridge and pantry that contains mostly water and high fructose corn syrup is not as fattening?"


But I didn't. Very much like how I almost bash my head against a wall whenever the importance of having straight A's and high SAT scores is brought up. But I don't. (Did I mention that my aunt works in the medical field and should really know about that corn syrup?)

I try to be sneaky with this. First it's mysterious cartons of orange juice and milk suddenly appearing in the fridge. Then, maybe it's introducing my cousin to something fun that hopefully she finds interesting so she can put something down on her college apps besides perfect stats. That doesn't mean squat if you're gunning for a private college, and I have a feeling that most people who obsess over the numbers are aiming that high. If you want to know more, my sister at Stanford will be happy to share her opinions unto you. She can go on forever about this stuff. Me, I'm trying to channel my mom and not obsess over other people's lives too much. Practicing my restraint, if you will.

In other warm and fuzzy news, this is indeed. Looks cozy. I want one. :D

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Bumps in the night...

I remember when Tim Burton's Batman movies scared the bejeebers out of me. Gave me nightmares for years. I don't know how I would have reacted to the new Batman Begins if I was 5. But I'm old enough now to appreciate greatness when I see it. Chris Nolan rocks! That is all.

Oh, and bats are cute. They squeak. :D

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Degrees of separation

Every time I hear about a small plane crashing, I think of him.

I would not have been on that freeway so late even if I had class at Art Center main campus, but the plane went down right at the exit I would have taken to get there.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Earthquake schmearthquake...

Earthquakes are neat. Sunday morning, I was groggily aware of being on a shaker for about 5 seconds. You know, a shaker? Those mechanical platforms in the biology lab which swirl around solutions? Yeah...I thought numbly that maybe it was a train, but realized that we didn't live next to a train station. My next thought was, "Cool, an earthquake!" Then I went back to sleep.

This afternoon Vicky asked me if I had felt "that earthquake" and I thought she meant the one on Sunday. Then I turned on the news and realized another one had happened this afternoon! I had been at the rink, and was definitely on the ice taking a lesson when it happened, but hadn't felt a thing. New coach hadn't said anything either, and nobody at the rink mentioned it.

Maybe the ice has good suspension?

Friday, June 10, 2005

Art school quirks

I've noticed all around Art Center that whenever most people would use masking or Scotch tape, they use Staedtler Drafting Dots. Flyers on walls and windows were all attached with those silly little blue-and-white dots. And there are a lot of them...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Deep thought of the day

Everything happens for a reason.

I was just thinking over the past few years of my life, and I've realized that a lot of the most profound experiences came about out of something I thought was stupid, silly, or insignificant. Last year's memorable stay at Berkeley would not have been possible had I not known Vicky, who I would not have met unless I had been with Matt, who I would have not have met unless I had a silly crush on another guy freshman year.

I wouldn't be here with a particular goal (medical/scientific illustration) in mind and taking art classes unless I had taken a no-brainer job opening department mail, among other things, in Professor Cheney's lab. I came across the flyer for UCSC's scientific illustration program and the rest was history, so they say. If I had had the same job in any other lab or a different job in the Cheney lab, I wouldn't have been opening department mail. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

Just a thought.

Friday, June 03, 2005


I find it really funny that the sporatic wireless Internet connection that my laptop picks up is 100x faster than the dialup they have here. Even though it goes in and out....but who cares? Haha.

Updates: Art classes going fine, behind on homework as usual (le sigh), still need to start on GREs waaaaah, animal forms still need work, getting medical records are a pain, might be getting a figure skating coach soon, and yaaaaay for getting the name of a skate sharpener so my blades will finally get sharpened! Now, if only I had his phone number...