Friday, November 11, 2005

Men are stupid

Well, I don't know about human men, but male quails aren't awfully bright.

The one I named Igor (due to his sideways head) decided to walk into the feed jar which had flipped over. Another male decided it would be a good idea to crawl in with Igor, and they both got stuck. I managed to pull out the outside quail by the feet (at least his feet were sticking out so I didn't have to resort to pulling tail feathers) but Igor had apparently suffocated.

And just now, I found three injured males in various cages. Two of them had HUGE gashes on their heads, and one of them was still bleeding and unable to open his eyes because of the blood dripping into them. Due to the lack of blood around the cage edges and because none of the females have bleeding injuries, I believe the males are fighting, possibly to the death. (I found some blood splatters on the walls.) This is just great.

The females make me happy though. They cheep cutely. They've begun to lay eggs. None of this "I crow like I've got a frog in my throat and fight to the death!" testosterone business.

Sigh...I don't know what to do with the injured ones. I think I'll have to put them down, but um, I haven't learned how to do that yet...

Sorry for coming back from a long blogging absence with depressing news. I was going to post about my sudden trip to Taiwan visiting my very sick grandma, but that's fairly depressing as well. C'est la vie.