Sunday, November 26, 2006

Quote of the weekend

Me: "Get those pants off!"
Lil sis: "They're coming off, they're coming off!"

For uhh, some context, it was laundry time. :)

And things I never noticed until I was home:
  1. Our kitchen is really small.
  2. Our toilet is hella weak (and I never use the word "hella")
  3. It's so much fun to watch Squee eat. Her fuzzy cheeks wiggle, and things disappear inside her mouth.
  4. My family is crazy, in a hilariously good way.
  5. Our dog is really, really cute.
  6. My dad is hilarious, in usually unintended ways.
  7. I find the smallest things quite amusing. This is probably why I'm so happy all the time.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A new look

Just to spice things up. Quick updates:
  • Vicky's gotten me into making comics. Damn you, Vicky! I should be studying for the GRE! *shakes fist* Will post some work-in-progress soon. Hopefully...

  • Aforementioned comics will be a bit difficult to finish, since Mom suggested that I drive home for Thanksgiving...tomorrow. Hopefully we'll find the scanner, heh. And BAH on Merced being 50 degrees! BAH! This past weekend in LA, it was 90! (I shit you not.)

  • Another incredulous thing that I'm shitting nobody on: Yesterday I was doing research on the Tang Dynasty for aforementioned comic, and a webpage I had found (that was definitely on the Tang Dynasty) was blocked by City of Hope for being on "Non-Traditional Religions and Occult and Folklore."

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Thoughts that ran through my head when the doorbell was rung multiple times on 7AM Sunday

"Just leave the package at the door, geez!....Oh yeah, it's Sunday..."

"I don't care how hard you try to wake me up, I'm not going to church!"

"I took my laundry out of the communal laundry room last night, I swear!"

(At this point the doorbell rings stop, and someone starts loudly knocking on the window instead.)

"If someone's dying or something, just yell through the window. You really think we're going to come if someone's just ringing our doorbell and knocking our window randomly on 7AM?"

"C'mon, roomie! You have a big kickboxing boyfriend staying over for a reason!" (at this point I was thinking of lugging the large, heavy flashlight over to the door and answering the damn thing myself.)

This has happened before, and I highly suspect it's one of the near-senile neighbors. I vaguely saw someone old shuffle back into an apartment and come back with a broom between the doorbell ringing and the window knocking.