Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My faith in the male species has been restored

So I posted a w4m ad on Craigslist, and...let me just say I'm glad that my listing expired last night. :P I've gotten some very nice responses, and a particularly low number of shady emails (which included one married guy ew). Most of what I've deleted were emails which were obviously copied and pasted, or from guys who didn't know how to write correctly.

Yesterday Vicky sends me this link, about someone who faked a hardcore w4m ad and published every one of the responses (including personal information), later asking people on the internet to identify the respondents. (Idiot.)

What really got me was the number of responses he apparently received in 24 hours: 178.

I received exactly 400 emails in the same amount of time. (Try THAT for a so-called Craigslist experiment, LOL.) So, there are apparently more guys looking for nerdy, articulate girls rather than guys looking for quick sex. Glory hallelujah.


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