Saturday, July 31, 2004


Hey love
Is that the name you're meant to have
For me to call
~Gravity, Vienna Teng

My unconscious mind is out to get me. For the past week this particular person has been making cameos in my dreams, which is very unusual because I never have dreams about a single person for more than a night in a row.

This is bad. I don't want to put a face and a name to someone I genuinely don't know very well. I did that more than a year ago and needless to say I was disappointed to find that he wasn't the person I had initially thought he was. (And the dreams I did have about him always held negative connotations, which probably says more about my insecurity and low self-esteem than anything on his part.)

Well, I guess the solution would be to keep my mind otherwise occupied...

But cooking lunch first, and then physics...

Friday, July 30, 2004

And I thought I was bad with old food....

I give crazy Berkeley friends:

s: ummmm
s: ummummumm
s: how long has it been since we went to cheesecake factory?
azncupycake18: um, several weeks?
s: ...i just discovered my cheesecake in the back of my minifridge
s: it still tastes like cheesecake...
Note: this is something I would totally say as well when justifying my eating old food. But, not a cheesecake several weeks old...

azncupycake18: hahahahahaa
s: whipped cream didn't keep as well, it seems
s: oh well
azncupycake18: hahahahaha
s: cheesecake intact
azncupycake18: that's....really really disturbing
s: well, i can't let a $6 slice of cheesecake go to waste!
azncupycake18: that's why you eat it the day after!
s: ...
s: and in honor of the occasion, i give you Boy Meets Boy!
azncupycake18: ..EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!
azncupycake18: i am totally disgusted
s: hahaha
s: i just grossed steph out, too
s: one fell swoop!
azncupycake18: EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Shades of organic chemistry...

So there I was, sitting in the vast lecture hall surrounded by fellow students, with -5 minutes on the clock. (That's right, negative 5 minutes. And I wasn't going to budge until someone made me.)  I duly noted that out of the 70 bodies in the entire room, nobody had gotten up to hand in the midterm. This is good, I thought. I'm not the only one sitting here absolutely stupified.

I resumed staring at the page, fuming that the sample midterm, the homework, the class examples, the discussion questions, everything that we had done on these concepts in class was a GAZILLION times easier than the packet of problems sitting in front of me.

The professor offered an apology at the front of the room: "Would it help if I told you I'm sorry?"

I looked up.

In a word, no.


I have sooo corrupted my physics GSI:

Mark, explaining how he drew one ray of light traveling from an object, through a diverging lens, through a diverging mirror, and back out through the two again:

"Yeah, so I picked the worst possible ray to draw...Basically it goes from the object through the infinitely large lens - boink! - bounces off the infinitely large mirror - boink! - through the lens again - boink! - through the ceiling and out to Jupiter..."

Just noticed...

The ads on top of my blog are for RealFlow fluid stimulator and Quantum Aether Dynamics (whatever the heck THAT is..)

But yes, iz very ironic that I get physics-related ads when I rant about it all day here. Another rant - the summer class is cutting back on relativity! Poo! Relativity was the only physics-related thing that came close to rocking my world last semester in 51a. Now it means I'll have to spend more time cranking out numbers, which I abhor. Grargh.

Sugar count: Nectarine, majorly-sugarified mung bean soup, Ben and Jerry's Half-baked ice cream, and donut holes donated by Vicky. Yummy yum yum!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

How to make physics fun... one easy step!
Make a complete fool of yourself, as shown:
Me, trying to explain to my discussion group how wavelength changes during refraction: So, you have this wave coming in, woop woop woop [mimics a large wave traveling through the air with my pencil]. And then it goes through the glass or whatever, and then it goes [vibrates pencil quickly], diddlydiddlydiddlydiddlydiddlydiddly..
*Cue hysterical laughter and "Wait, so how do you spell that?"*
Ah, the joy I bring to people's lives....

[insert foodstuff here]fiend...

I finished an 8 oz. container of cream cheese using 6 bagels. Maybe my username ought to be creamcheesefiend. Or heck, peanutbutterfiend. Or butterfiend, porksungfiend, icecreamfiend, milkfiend...The possibilities are truly endless.
Random note to anyone wearing dangerously low-rise pants: Showing off your buttcrack is NOT attractive. Well, any sort of over-the-top cleavage-revealing article of clothing is not attractive to begin with. My poor eyes....O.O
Sugar count: coffee ice cream from last night, as well as a peach. Currently having majorly-sugarified mung bean soup.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Culture shock at Berkeley

So, I have a running list of stuff that is different at Berkeley (the campus...I could go on and on about Berkeley as a city vs the vacuum outside the Pomona bubble) Here's what I have so far... 
  • Classes are HUGE
  • Buildings are GORGEOUS (unlike butt-ugly Millikan - sorry math and physics folks...)
  • Library is HUGE
  • ...and PRETTY!!
  • Getting things done gets very complicated...
  • Class ALWAYS starts 10 minutes late (very good for an 8AM class)
  • The average Berkeley science major: "AAAAAAAA hw AAAAAAAA test AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"
  • Berkeley students aren't that intelligent as a collective whole. It's very frightening how little some people know outside of their major. Truly frightening.
  • People don't turn off their darned cell phones during lecture! (total count so far: 13)

This morning, we were going over wave interference, and the prof mentioned Young's double slit experiment. A Korean girl next to me nudged my arm and asked what it was. I told her it was an experiment that some dude named Young came up with, and she chuckled and said, "Funny name."


Been around non-Asian people much? :-P

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Untitled 1

Doesn't that title sound incredibly artistic or what? *snicker* I dunno, untitled works raise very open-ended questions and that can be interesting sometimes, but personally, I find that naming my pieces is quite enjoyable. But I'm too lazy to name this entry now, so....too bad! Will bestow my fantabulous title-designing skilz upon you some other time.
So Steph and Vicky were berating me to start a blog cause I don't have one. *shockhorrorgasp* Steph was actually threatening to stop talking to me if I didn't start one RIGHT NOW. So, here I am, procrastinating on physics homework (typical) and not studying for my physics midterm on Thursday (again, typical). Sigh, I hate physics. That's actually pretty tragic, because if I didn't hate physics, I'd be an astronomer. Well, I don't actually hate physics - I think the concepts are pretty darned interesting. It's just the math I can't deal with. I see variables and numbers and my brain just shuts down, I swear...

Or, I dunno. I was always hesitant of looking through a telescope, afraid of what was on the other side. Microscopes are kinda the same way, only much much much less so. So, biology it is then.
BUT biology still means taking general physics. Which I really must get back to...
Sugar consumed recently: Very large peach
Fuzzy fix: Cleaned out guinea pigs' cage today and cuddled them a bit. Spent some quality time with Goldie. :)