Parents are funny...
So my mom finds a turtle in the pool, and even after all this time, we have no idea what it is. My bio prof doesn't know, the turtle person I emailed doesn't know (but is going to get back to me), the vet doesn't know...
So far my/Mom's/Susan's best guess is a
Western pond turtle, but those are pretty rare in CA. They're almost extinct up in Oregon and Washington, anyway.
SO! I was trying to get Mom to maybe take him to a shelter or to a zoo and her answer was quite amusing.
goldiemom: why can't I keep it?
Hahaha, at least I know where I get
that particular trait from...
Oh, Canada....
I think that skating fans are much more creative than the so-called "professionals" out there...
A conversation on the Rinkside chatroom re: the official Vancouver Olympic logo:[21:12]

I don't like the new 2010 Olympics logo
Anita18: nope
Anita18: I AM HE-MAN!
Anita18: is the vibe I get from it
veruca: it doesn't represent all of Canada!
veruca: I mean, put a bottle of beer!
veruca: or an igloo!
veruca: I say go for beer for the logo
veruca: oooh, or the beaver!
Anita18: or a beaver holding the beer :P
Anita18: in an igloo
veruca: haha
veruca: while riding a dogsled
veruca: making maple syrup
Anita18: hahaha
veruca: and a speech bubble with the words 'How aboot that, eh?'
Gymfan15: Don't forget the geese. ;)
veruca: oh, right!
Anita18: and geese flying overhead!
veruca: lol ah, Canadian stereotypes
Gymfan15: And Canada Dry on the dogsled!
veruca: hee hee
veruca: I just say the beaver with the beer, in front of an igloo, and 'Eh' in a speech bubble
Gymfan15: You can't forget a about a sack of loonies too? :D
veruca: haha
veruca: make the Olympic rings into loonies (and toonies)
Gymfan15: And stick a glacier in the background
veruca: or just have a picture of Pamela Anderson, cause she's a Vancouverite
Back from another bio trip!
This time, in the Mojave National Preserve! And more random notes:
- Birds and lizards don't like me. I didn't catch animals of either kind this entire weekend. Bah.
- I like endangered desert tortoises though. I found one (when I was looking for lizards in the Kelso Dunes) and he hung out in my shadow for a bit. They're SO CUTE! And LITTLE! Eeeee.....
- The only thing we caught in the bird mist-nets all weekend was a big ass beetle. Figures.
- A woodrat attacked my shoe when I was outside taking star pictures at night. I felt something land on my foot and looked down, thinking I had dropped something. A large rodent with a tail jumped off my foot, backed away slightly, then ran off into the bushes. Yay for close encounters!
- Speaking of close encounters, Annie found a rattlesnake the same time I found my tortoise. She heard rustling in the bushes, and thinking it was a lizard, poked around until she heard a rattle. Oops, LOL. Luckily it was one of the nonaggressive ones, cause we poked around it some more trying to get it to come out. Yeah, biologists can be idiots sometimes, I guess..
- We gave Dr. K a scare when we radioed her about a "specimen" we found in the dunes, and asked her what to feed it. Once she came back, we presented her with a squeaky toy lizard we found in the middle of the wash, LOL!
- Sunrises are pretty. :)
- Quails are hilariously funny. A pair jumped into the road right in front of our SUV and proceeded to run away from the car...while ON the road. LOL!
- Horny toad lizards poop really really big poops. I swear, it was larger than a guinea pig poop, and it's only like...a quarter of the size!
Some things never change, part deux
A continuation of
this post, except this time on my part..
azncupycake18: you would have laughed at me last night
azncupycake18: i was out on the beach after the tide went out
azncupycake18: looking for stranded grunion
azncupycake18: and picking them up one by one and putting them back into the water
xj: yes, i wouldve laughed
azncupycake18: good to know :-P
xj: remembering the wormies...
It's that time of year again...
Where flyers abound and take over every friggin' square inch of blank wall on campus...election time!
Here are my promotions:
- DAN KLEINMAN FOR ACADEMIC COMMISSIONER!! If he doesn't win this I am going to cry out of disillusionment. And it'll be all your fault. And you wouldn't want that, would you? In short, he has put in tons and tons of hours attending faculty/student meetings to fix up our PAC system and it's only right that someone with that kind of dedication is awarded a position which allows him to be recognized.
- Matt Goldstein for communications commissioner, cause yeah...I figure that if we were able to not hate each other by the end of our relationship, that must count for something, right? Kidding, kidding! He's quite responsible and has some really good ideas. Plus, I assure you he'll always be on time to everything, and you'll drive him crazy if you aren't. (Oops..)
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...English paper and grunion run, here I come!
Yet another random post..
Hehehe. I thought this exchange was amusing:
sleepy: man
sleepy: i was gonna change the fishy's water today
sleepy: but now he's bubble nested on the other side of the bowl
sleepy: and swimming around it like he's proud of himself
sleepy: >.<
azncupycake18: awwww
azncupycake18: mwahahah!
azncupycake18: silly fishie
azncupycake18: no chick to show it off to :p
azncupycake18: except for you, of course
azncupycake18: but like that will do him any good..
sleepy: haha
sleepy: boy will have to blow bubble nests to compete!
sleepy: :-P
azncupycake18: HAHAHA
azncupycake18: and then they'll have a showdown!
azncupycake18: of body puffery!
In other news,
The Lion King musical rocked the house. Mostly, anyway. Didn't like any of the new songs except for "Shadowland" and "They Live in You." Didn't really like any of the character changes either - ewwwww on Scar and Nala and WTF re: adult Simba being so darned whiny? Costumes and sets, though, AMAZING. Wow.
I had forgotten how kickass that movie was though. Yay for Disney-Shakespeare hybrids! (No wonder why I like the Gargoyles series so much as well, LOL..)
Okay, so I'm supposed to gather up data the entire vertebrate biology class took this afternoon for an experiment about lizards, which was quite fun. Frankly, I was dubious that lizards could be trained but Di Di proved me wrong in the span of half an hour, LOL. Anyway, I have been partially thwarted from my mission due to the apparent use of English units in more than a few data points. In addition, more than a few data points are unlabelled and I have no idea what part of the experiment it was for. One group apparently didn't even give me their data. LOL.
I have three words for this fiasco:
Bad scientists! Bad! (especially about the unlabelling and the English units!
Didn't you learn from NASA?)