Dawdling can be a very good thing
So, I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and dawdled on my way to work...just because. (Well ok, my scanner decided to stop working and I took the extra time to reinstall everything ugh.) So because of my dawdling, I ended up staying later than I had planned, and after everyone else had left. This normally would have been disappointing, but it was so hot like I wanted to go outside when it was still light anyway.
Partway through my late-ish tissue culture experiment and with all of my cell plates out in the hood, the incubator starts beeping. Very loudly. The CO2 gas was low (actually, down to 0% and not moving), but the gas tank was still adequately full. Well, if it wasn't the tank, I didn't know how to fix it. After pondering for a few minutes and leaving the boss a voicemail, I realized that we had a second incubator in another room, so I cleaned off a dirty cart (yuck) and promptly moved all of our plates into the working incubator. In the meantime, boss calls back and says he's coming over to check if it's a loose gas hose on the incubator, because if it is, we need to be moving cells for another lab, since the gas tank would completely leak out into the room overnight and then all the other incubators (and the cells contained therein) hooked up to it would be screwed.
So it was the hose (again) (yes this has happened before, I think we need to be gluing that in now), and we moved some possibly radioactive cells into another incubator, har.
But now I think - if I had gone to work in a timely manner and finished everything on time, nobody would have been in the lab when the incubator decided to pop its hose. And we (as well as another lab) would have lost a month's worth of work.
Hah. No wonder why I never learn that wasting time is bad.
Labels: work
Fear for the medical community!
Pre-med Nick offers this argument after I scolded him for just eating bread for sustenance:
morpheus: bread was lik the most impt food in the 17th century ok
morpheus: most impt.
morpheus: mind u
I think he's just jealous I have chicken and stir-fried veggies with rice. :D
Quote of the weekend
Me: "Get those pants off!"
Lil sis: "They're coming off, they're coming off!"
For uhh, some context, it was laundry time. :)
And things I never noticed until I was home:
- Our kitchen is really small.
- Our toilet is hella weak (and I never use the word "hella")
- It's so much fun to watch Squee eat. Her fuzzy cheeks wiggle, and things disappear inside her mouth.
- My family is crazy, in a hilariously good way.
- Our dog is really, really cute.
- My dad is hilarious, in usually unintended ways.
- I find the smallest things quite amusing. This is probably why I'm so happy all the time.
A new look
Just to spice things up. Quick updates:
- Vicky's gotten me into making comics. Damn you, Vicky! I should be studying for the GRE! *shakes fist* Will post some work-in-progress soon. Hopefully...
- Aforementioned comics will be a bit difficult to finish, since Mom suggested that I drive home for Thanksgiving...tomorrow. Hopefully we'll find the scanner, heh. And BAH on Merced being 50 degrees! BAH! This past weekend in LA, it was 90! (I shit you not.)
- Another incredulous thing that I'm shitting nobody on: Yesterday I was doing research on the Tang Dynasty for aforementioned comic, and a webpage I had found (that was definitely on the Tang Dynasty) was blocked by City of Hope for being on "Non-Traditional Religions and Occult and Folklore."
Thoughts that ran through my head when the doorbell was rung multiple times on 7AM Sunday
"Just leave the package at the door, geez!....Oh yeah, it's Sunday..."
"I don't care how hard you try to wake me up, I'm not going to church!"
"I took my laundry out of the communal laundry room last night, I swear!"
(At this point the doorbell rings stop, and someone starts loudly knocking on the window instead.)
"If someone's dying or something, just yell through the window. You really think we're going to come if someone's just ringing our doorbell and knocking our window randomly on 7AM?"
"C'mon, roomie! You have a big kickboxing boyfriend staying over for a reason!" (at this point I was thinking of lugging the large, heavy flashlight over to the door and answering the damn thing myself.)
This has happened before, and I highly suspect it's one of the near-senile neighbors. I vaguely saw someone old shuffle back into an apartment and come back with a broom between the doorbell ringing and the window knocking.
A nearly belated Halloween post

What else did you expect? I tried to model it after the DKR batsignal, but I dunno how successful I was at that...
An interesting day at the Rainbow Bridge.
Rainbow Bridge is a place of both peace and anticipation as departed pets await their beloved owners. There are plenty of things to keep them contented while they wait: trees you can't get stuck in, endless meadows, splashing streams, thickets perfect to hide in for pounce-attack games.
But one day the residents noticed some rather...unusual newcomers arrive.
The koalas and the kangaroos slipped in rather quietly, but then came the bearded dragons, the skinks and the goannas. The influx of snakes startled an entire family of cats up a tree. Pythons, cobras, tiger snakes, brown snakes, and even fierce snakes. There were so many at one point, it seemed the ground itself was alive with writhing. A burly wombat shouldered his way through the crowd and plopped down in a
shady spot, barely missing a Jack Russell terrier who yapped indignantly as he abandoned his position.
And then the crocodiles showed up.
Finally, a Great Dane managed to get up enough nerve to approach one of the reptilian giants.
"Um....excuse me," he said hesitantly. "But why are you all here?"
The croc dropped her jaw and laughed. "Same as you, mate," she said. "Waitin' for someone who loved us."
The dogs, cats, gerbils, and other "typical pets" looked at each other in confusion, then at the plethora of weird, ugly, and downright deadly creatures assembled. Who on Earth could possibly love some of those faces?
"I see him!" shouted a green mamba from his vantage point in one of the trees. A cacophony of squeaks, hisses, bellows, and roars erupted as the mob surged forward toward a lone human walking across the field toward the bridge. The other animals managed to catch a glimpse of him before he was overwhelmed by the crowd.
"CRIKEY!" he shouted joyously right before he was bowled over by the wombat.
"Well I'll be," said a Persian as she tidied up her fur. "It's that Aussie my human liked to watch on TV. Had to be the craziest human on the whole planet."
"Oh, please," remarked a echidna as he hurried by. "Is it really that crazy to passionately love something God made?"