Friday, December 23, 2005

*wistful sigh*

So, I'm at that point where I can look back on my last relationship and go, "Awww, that was cute" and not feel sad. Still, there are certain things I miss - cuddles and light kisses especially. Not specifically with Matt, just in general.

I've never been a touchy-feely person, at least not with people. I will gladly manhandle anything nonhuman that is fuzzy, squishy, or both. I guess I'm just too uptight and dorky. I don't know how to gauge comfort levels with other people so I just let everybody have their personal space. Lots of personal space. :P In turn, I give off this "lots of personal space" vibe that people respond to as well, and then in the end I'm left cuddling a pillow instead. (Or maybe Squee, but I have be careful about crushing her.)

When I finally had "permission" (if you will) for being touchy-feedy with someone without receiving the cold shoulder or feeling completely awkward about it, I must say I really went all out. Sorry Matt. :P

So yeah, I'm just missing that sort of tender physical contact, but I don't feel up to muddling through various male psyches to get to that point. *sigh* Darned my laziness and introvertedness. So I guess the moral of this whole post is: I need a dog.


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