Friday, December 23, 2005

Something relatively lighthearted...I think...

I present you: a conversation you wouldn't necessarily want to have with your cousin...

asianguy: have you seen predator?
azncupycake18: parts
azncupycake18: i especially enjoyed the part where jesse ventura called other people (ahnuld among them) a bunch of slack-jawed faggots
azncupycake18: ...i think that was the only part i enjoyed...
asianguy: that's too bad...there are so many fine moments
asianguy: i especially like the part where they indiscriminately blow up the jungle
asianguy: it is phallic hilarity at its finest
azncupycake18: ah
azncupycake18: phallic hilarity?
azncupycake18: trees?
azncupycake18: missiles? TNT?
asianguy: guns
asianguy: the movie is all about the guns
asianguy: can you think of a more phallic symbol?
azncupycake18: power drills
azncupycake18: well, i've actually used power drills...
asianguy: but they have no discharge
azncupycake18: i...guess....
azncupycake18: EW
azncupycake18: thanks a lot
asianguy: hahaha that's the whole point of a phallic symbol!

So yeah. I shall be meeting said cousin next week for his sister's wedding wheee! It seems that I will have to attend the rehearsal dinner, whatever that entails...

And next week, back off to Taiwan. Grandma died on Sunday morning (PST) so it's back off we go. Will have more on that later...when I have more on that.

Figures that my senior year winter break would be full of this flying around the world stuff when I should be working on thesis. Typically my winter break consists of sleeping late and watching late night movies on TV. No wait, I'm doing that too....

I'll just shut up now.


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