My typical weekday
Eat. Art. Work (maybe). Eat. Work. Eat. Art. Crash. Not literally speaking, of course, but basically what happens. Not to mention that in the last week and a half, I've become crazy psycho LA driver trying to fight post-rush hour traffic getting to Pasadena almost every day.And then there's today, which I have done absolutely nothing productive with. Except sleep. A lot. Planning on going skating in a bit, at least that'll be slightly productive. And then work on more art when I get back.
There's a glimmer of hope on the horizon though. Gayle, my life drawing instructor, loved my self-portrait midterm assignment (even though I thought it was kinda meh), and everyone really liked it. Some little fixes here and there and it would be a good portfolio piece, methinks. I love it when you devote yourself to something you're not sure if you'll succeed in, and then making that little bit of leeway through the mire. It's then when you can actually think, "I can do this!"
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