First day of classes!
Ugh. Not having an English class since high school is starting to catch up to me. Should be interesting, but I usually have to read something first and let my brain sit on it before coming up with any coherent interpretation. Doesn't make for good class discussion, LOL.And I couldn't figure out why looking at the prof triggered a feeling of deja vu, until it hit me sometime during the period.

Except the prof wears glasses. It was downright creepy.
Methinks I've been delving a bit too much into figure skating this past winter break. YAY MICHELLE for winning a record-tying 9th US title! (Although, she's got to get her butt in gear to get ready for Worlds in March and the new judging system which she's never competed under. *le sigh*) Canadian Nationals is happening as I blog, which only means one thing: GO JEFF!
Besides figure skating, I've been (re)sucked into the world of The Phantom of the Opera. If you haven't seen it, you should. (Except if you don't like musicals to begin with. Then don't bother, LOL.)
What can I say? I'm such a sucker for romantic tragedies, where love has to be sacrificed for ultimate happiness. *sniffle* I saw the stage production in SF a few years ago, and absolutely loved it. The movie's settings are enthrallingly gorgeous and the singing really isn't too bad, for what my choir-trained ears can judge. Especially on Gerard Butler's part, given he was never professionally trained. The two managers, though. Ick. I can hit the low notes that they can't hit, and I'm a woman. Psh.
Now, my goal is to find a reasonably priced POTO music box on ebay which plays "Masquerade." The monkey music box (which is shown prominently in the productions) would be awesome, but alas, it's kinda...ugly..and...very expensive....the monkey shown in the movie was cuter. *le sigh*
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