Saturday, September 11, 2004

Thoughts (of the rare political kind)

Just got back from a semi-showing of Fahrenheit 911 at Rose Hills. I say semi-showing because the light in the projector burned out with about 10 minutes of the movie to go. And no refunds. Ah wells.

I'll be honest. I don't follow politics. It frustrates me, which is why I much prefer science. Even though there are still some politics in that, it's at least much less so.

My major concern with Bush is that no other country in the world can take us seriously if he's president. If anything can change with a different guy in the Oval Office, it will definitely be that. I don't believe anything else can be guaranteed to change significantly. Maybe Kerry can kind of guide things along for the better, but who really knows.

I'm rarely cynical, but I definitely am jaded when it comes to politics. Reason: in order to be elected these days, you need money. Lots and lots of money, usually from rich guys/corporations. But before these rich guys/corporations give a candidate shitloads of money, they have to be assured that their wants will be fulfilled when/if the candidate is actually elected. It is not surprising that the wants of a rich dude doesn't usually mirror the wants (or even needs) of your regular Joe. Yes, it sucks, but that is how America works, and I doubt that can be altered even in the slightest.

Therefore, I don't believe that Kerry will fix America on his own. Nobody can do that. But if he can bring integrity back to the country in the eyes of the rest of the world, at least that will be something.

I end with an acknowledgement of this particular day:

The air recoils with the tense sound of nothing as freedom is ripped from my fingertips
~ a little poem I wrote at Julian's urging on 09-12-01

Three years ago in San Jose, I went outside, looked up, and thought how it was horribly unfair and wrong that the sky was so beautiful.


At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mew. nothing to do with ur blog today... but.. I MISS YOU =D *hugs* ~Steph


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