Olympics overload
Been overloading on the Olympics this past week. Can't help it, really. I love seeing people at their happiest. (It helps that a good proportion of the male athletes are very good-looking too. Heh.) Everyone's so beautiful when they smile.
Everytime I see Michael Phelps pull a face like that, I have an uncontrollable urge to laugh. It's so ridiculous in a I'm-trying-to-be-really-cool-but-I'm-still-just-a-kid kind of way. Dude! You're only 19! It's okay to be dorky!

I have a habit of smiling at people when they pass me. Usually, they smile back. I may not know them, and they may not know me, and we may never see each other again in this fast-paced, lonely world, but for a fleeting moment, there's a connection.
I apparently have a habit of smiling all the time too, although I don't notice it. Last summer, I was walking around the Rutgers lab when the secretary passed me and said, "You're so happy all the time. Always smiling." Of course my natural reaction was, "What?" but once I thought about it, I do always seem to have a slight smile. It may be my natural facial state. Which, I guess, is good. The world needs more smiles anyway. :)
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