Friday, March 17, 2006


So I meet Laura's current foster cat Smitty, and fall immediately in love with him because he's the sweetest cat EVER! (That's a lot coming from a bona fide dog person like me. I'm rather wary of cats.) I'm supposed to take him to the Upland Petsmart adoption day tomorrow so hopefully he can be adopted, and in my fervent wish to see him placed in a good home (because he IS the sweetest kitty ever) I go and advertise on Craigslist about Smitty.

...and then I read earlier postings and it turns out that Laura had also put in a posting about Smitty.

So honestly guys, we are talking the real deal here. Someone has to take this cat!

I'd adopt him myself if Goldie didn't want to eat him. Or if he didn't want to eat Squee. Whichever the case, LOL.


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