So this explains it...
CelebMatch declared that I was 100% intellectually compatible with Tori Amos. Heh. So that's why I find her songs fascinating...even though I don't understand the literal meaning of most of them. But internally, they probably make sense....And another revelation - Steph's the one who probably corrupted me:
Steph: To thin out nail polish, you just put in some nail polish remover and wait for it to soak in a bit, and then shake it up like NGGNGNGNGNGNGNNG!!!! (mimics shaking a small bottle violently with a crazed look on her face, whacking Vicky's arm in the process)
Sugar count: Coldstone's ice cream (even though it's only 68 degrees today). YUM!!
::covers her face:: i'm so embarrased... =P ~steph
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